今日から裏の桑畑の伐採を開始。 近所のご厚意で使用させていただくことに。
I was given permission to use the mulberry patch behind my parent's house, so we started working on removing some of the rows of mulberry to create my very own vegetable garden. My goal is to plant lots of "American Veggies" like artichokes, bell peppers, jalapenos, rhubarb, chard, and brussel sprouts.
開始時。 上下二枚が切りはじめ
Here's how it looked before we started.
Here's how it looked before we started.
ここからチェーンソー回して、なんとか一列目が完了。 パワフルアメリカンソーなんで、重いこと。 慣れてないので、自分の力の加減がわからないので、変に力が入るんだよね。 でも、終わる頃には慣れてチェーンソーの重みできることもできてきたような。
I haven't that much experience with a chain saw, so I was fighting it all through the afternoon. I finally understood that you are supposed to let the saw do the sawing, and I simply guide it in its cuts.
半分まではいかない地点で写真。 この2.5倍くらいの長さがあります。
Here's the after. I took this picture at about the half way point. There's quite a bit of distance behind me.
Here's the after. I took this picture at about the half way point. There's quite a bit of distance behind me.
チェーンソー3台稼働で一列目は2時間弱で完了。 寒くなり、今日の作業は終わり。 あと2列伐採して、畑の準備。 切った桑の木は一年後くらいにストーブや窯の燃料になることでしょう!
The mulberry that we cut today will become fuel for our stove in a couple of years.