Finally getting started on a project Dad and I have been talking about for a long time. Building a masonry oven in front of the guest house at Dad's. Spent this past weekend up at his place, and we decided on where to put the thing. Just started, so don't know how long it's gonna take, but we want to have this thing ready by Dad's annual Christmas Party this year. It'll be a long term project, and it should be real fun! We started looking at rental prices for various machinery we'll need, but it turns out that a friendly neighbor, or is it neighboring friend, has everything we need.
やっとの事で前々から父と企んでいた石釜オーブンの制作に取りかかりました。 先週末に久しぶりに黒保根に行き、早速場所決めをして、これからの作戦を練ってきました。 すごい事に、ご近所で父が親しくしている方がユンボやコンパクタ、その他もろもろの重機をお持ちで作業が楽になりそう。 まずは基礎から作らないと。